NeaNews No 1. Started as a way to solve my dry skin issue - a passion project - NEABEAUTY

NeaNews No 1. Started as a way to solve my dry skin issue - a passion project

For as long as I can remember I have struggled with dry skin. Being insecure and plus-size I always had feelings of not being good enough as that's what was drilled into my mind by the media and even popular brands. Overthinking and questioning whether I measure up to the imposed ideal only made it worse for my self-esteem. Moreover, the relationship I had with myself.

I  tried all the products I could to fix my dry skin but nothing worked. There were no creams that made my skin feel amazing or helped with my dry skin.  As soon as I was introduced to Shea Butter and after much self-study and research, I was in my Mom's kitchen whipping up small batches of body butter. Never did I know the improvement in my skin would help build my self-image. 

I knew I was not the only woman who struggled with dry skin and lacked confidence and I wanted to share this magic to help uplift other women like me. That's where Neabeauty was born. 

Neabeauty is here to empower women with the most decadent, fun-filled, and moisturizing skincare products. To help you build your confidence and the relationship you have with yourself.  You don't need to make yourself smaller to fit society's unrealistic beauty standards. Our products are more than decadent butter, scrubs, and oils. They are symbols of care and acts of love that help you fall in love with who you are. 

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